Nieuw-Rhijngeest Zuid public facilities

The development of a brackish piece of pasture into a dynamic living and working area.
In the Oegstgeester part of the Leiden Bio Science Park, developments have gained momentum with the arrival of more and more life science organizations and the construction of a public parking garage. This year, the construction of public roads in this area of almost 30 hectares will also start.


The planning map for the life science plots including the future buildings and roads.
Design for the new roads in Nieuw-Rhijngeest Zuid.
April 2024: The wadi with boardwalk en sitting elements.
April 2024: The Hartlijn in Nieuw-Rhijngeest Zuid starts to take shape with the realisation of the footpath. The biking path will follow soon.
April 2024: De Hartlijn in Nieuw-rhijngeest Zuid begint al vorm te krijgen met de afronding van het voetpad. Het fietspad volgt snel.
In progress
  • Run time
  • Type
  • Landowner
    Leiden University
  • Roadworks Roadworks may affect traffic in the local area. For more information, please press the red button ‘All roadworks’.